Angel Farley

24th August 2023

2023 Shortlisted Nominee
Positive Role Model Award: Age

15 year old Angel Farley was born with 2 rare disabilities – Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency and Sacral Agenesis. As a result, Angel was born with her lower spine not formed correctly, is missing her right femur bone and has no right hip pocket. After having her right leg amputated, Angel was left with a severe infection, contracting sepsis, and needing her life saved by medics at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). This didn’t hinder Angel’s mission to bring positivity to her community. Since 2017, Angel has handwritten over 1,500 christmas cards each year, distributing them to every household in her local village with the aim of making people smile. Angel has also participated in sponsored walks, raising money for multiple charities including GOSH, NHS Charity and Spread a Smile. Testimonies describe her as a ‘courageous, inspiring young lady who always wants to bring smiles to those around her’.