Act for Action CIC

Community Organisation Award

Community Organisation Award for Disability: Sponsor - Direct Line Group

Nominee Profile

Location: Liverpool
Act for Action was formed in 2018 to make the world more accessible.Act for Action is run by staff with lived and professional experience of disability. They have worked tirelessly in that pursuit and are proud to have opened an accessible training centre for disabled adults. You can feel the warmth, joy and empathy as soon as you step inside Since opening the centre in 2022 they have developed personal pathways for each trainee with recognised qualifications in functional English and Maths, life skills, creative arts and pathways into supported employment. The expertise and knowledge of the staff is unparalleled. Act for Action also provide 3 social clubs for disabled people offering a place of acceptance where the members voices are heard, the clubs also offer respite for families and carers. Staff have a range of qualifications including qualified teacher status and an MA in SEND as well as a host of experience which they use to make a friendly and inclusive atmosphere where people feel safe to be themselves and to try new actitivites.