Dr. Maryyum Mehmood

15th February 2022


Positive Role Model Award for Gender –

Dr Maryyum Mehmood is the Founder of The SHIFT (Social, Harmony, Intercultural & Faith Training) platform and movement that seeks to enhance religious literacy, and tackle gender-based violence and racism, by providing the tools, techniques and training to inspire innovative perspectives. Alongside being a Trustee for the Women’s Interfaith Network, Maryyum is a Young Religious Leader for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) (EDIN) programme, for which she is spearheading a global campaign to end spiritual abuse against women and marginalised groups. She is also the Associate Director of the Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion, University of Birmingham, where she co-convenes the MPA in faith-based leadership. Maryyum is a co-convenor of the Network of Sisters in Academia, which is a safe space that facilitates the empowerment of Muslim women in Higher Education.